At WestBridge Solutions we know you have a purpose and a mission to complete. We also know you’re in it to impact lives in a positive way. You’re bottom line will make a difference for your city, state, and maybe even the country! Success for you is that you made a difference in the world. In order to do that well you have to utilize the internet well, specifically Google well. Do businesses and non-profit organizations have the time to understand a technology company that employs over 100,000 employees, has over 250 products & services and changes their search engine algorithm over 400 times per year? Of course not, and it is not their desire to understand it. Organizations have much bigger issues to face and to tackle on a day to day basis, but the lack of knowledge with Google and Google products can leave them in a very vulnerable and exposed position when it comes to internet marketing. Without the use of Google or Google products such as the $10,000 non-profit grant that Google gives non-profits, face a reality of producing incomplete business strategies and lower than desired outcomes.
We Understand:
As a business man and one who has worked extensively in the non profit sector, I understand the desire to reach and impact a community, society, and even the world with your product or vision. I also understand what dominates the day and its not the desire to understand Google or technology, or to sit behind a desk and develop digital strategies. This is why WestBridge Solutions exists. We exist to help businesses and non-profits succeed with their digital strategy. We want to help you make a difference by understanding Google and technology for you, teach you what you want to know at the level you want to know it, and to partner with your team to teach and equip them to handle the digital challenges your organization faces.
The Services:
The services that WestBridge Solutions offers are Non-Profit Google Ads Grant Management, Non-Profit SEO, and SEO for Business. These services are provided in 3 distinct ways where we do it for you, so you can concentrate on what matters most and we’ll handle the digital work, a consulting option where we will mentor you or a member of your staff in the digital strategy, and then half and full day workshops, where you can have your entire team learn particular digital strategy concepts. Its our goal to give you everything you need to succeed with Search Engine Optimization, Google Grant Management, and Reporting. We hope you will enjoy working with WestBridge Solutions and it’s team.
Best Regards,
Lee West